AK TIPS GENERAL ENGLISH QUESTIONS PART 2 AK TIPS October 10, 2020 0 Java Programming Language Output this code Quizzes 1 1.Hari’s house is bigger than ____ (A) my (B) their (C) our (D) yours 2. You are placed under suspension untill ____ orders. (A) farther (B) future (C) further (D) next 3. The baby loves ____ toys. (A) his (B) her (C) one’s (D) its 4. Admitting a person to the citizenship of a state to which he does not belong: (A) Alienation (B) Deprivation (C) Naturalisation (D) Termination 5. The idiom ‘lose heart’ means: (A) break one’s heart (B) lose hope (C) fall in love (D) weep 6. Sign ____ this paper. (A) in (B) on (C) at (D) No preposition needed 7. Dried food, hay, etc for horses and farm animals is referred to as: (A) Fodder (B) Salad (C) Folder (D) Stable 8. Farming is vocation. ‘Vocation’ means: (A) Hobby (B) Ambition (C) Passion (D) Occupation 9. ‘En route’ means: (A) Totally (B) As a whole (C) On the way to (D) In a body 10. The soldier died ______ several wounds. (A) of (B) from (C) into (D) through Share Share Tags GENERAL ENGLISH NextNewer Post PreviousOlder Post Related Posts GENERAL ENGLISH
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